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Mission Statement

Parkview Elementary fosters a respectful, responsible, and safe environment where student learning spans across content areas. Teachers, parents, and community collaborate for student success, and teachers are committed to giving quality standards-based lessons through the use of cutting edge technology. Our school empowers students to be active positive contributors to the community and succeed at being life-long learners. Students will be empowered to develop skills/confidence to reach their full potential.

Core Values

Parkview Panthers are PAWSitively Respectful, Responsible and Safe

Students collaborate in rigorous and relevant Common Core lessons. Rigor is the level of thinking student do, and relevance is the application of knowledge through problem solving. The instructional programs include Project Based Learning, Sobrato Early Academic Language Development, Number Talks, and integration with science and history/social science content. Visual and Performing Arts is offered at the different grade levels.

Classrooms are enhanced with 21st Century Technology: Chromebooks and Google Apps. One-to-one Chromebooks in grades 6-8 and Two-to-one Chromebooks in grades TK-5. All students use Google Apps for Education and other online resources. Technology is a critical component of students’ lives and preparation for college and careers.

Regular attendance and punctuality are important to the students’ achievement success.  School attendance also develops positive qualities important throughout life. The Oak Grove School District is a partner with students and parents in ensuring all students are career and college ready. We recognize that student achievement and consistent school attendance have a direct correlation.

Family engagement promotes children’s learning and healthy development in Oak Grove. Family engagement refers to the inclusion of families in activities and programs that promote children’s development, learning, and wellness, including in the planning, development, and evaluation of such activities, programs, and the Local Control and Accountability Plan.

Parents and guardians are provided opportunities to School Choice and Programs.
We Partner with Respected Agencies Such as the Sobrato Foundation, PBL Global, and ICLE to bring Rigorous Instruction Focused on Building High Academic Language.

Oak Grove schools provide a positive, predictable, consistent and safe learning environment. We serve a diverse community, and ensure all students have a sense of belonging and voice. All schools implement Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), a multi-tiered system of support.